Peace Human Rights Governance (PHRG), the new scientific journal of the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padova, is out with its first issue, which prosecutes the ten-year experience developed by the Padova Centre through the review Pace Diritti Umani – Peace Human Rights (Marsilio Publishers, Venice, 2004-2013).
PHRG is an academic peer-reviewed journal published three times a year – in March, July and November – in English by Padova University Press. It constitutes an innovative scientific resource within the increasing and multi-faceted global human rights studies community, which aims to present original contributions, both theoretical and empirical, to current human rights issues while actively favouring the development of a solid multi- and inter-disciplinary, and multi-level approach to human rights research and dissemination.
PHRG welcomes unpublished research articles that address significant and original aspects of the relation of human rights and subsidiarity with several issues including, but not limited to, world order and governance issues, international law, politics and organisation, international and cosmopolitan democracy, national and European foreign policy, civil society transnational networking, city diplomacy, global citizenship, public policy, intercultural and interreligious dialogue, women’s human rights, the human right to peace, conflict transformation/conflict resolution, education processes and trafficking of human beings.
Members of the journal’s international editorial board include: Khurshid Ahmad (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland), Wolfgang S. Heinz (German Institute for Human Rights, Berlin), Livia Holden (University of Padova), Peter Johansson (University of Goteborg, Sweden), Antonio Marchesi (University of Teramo, President of Amnesty International, Italy branch), Tuomas Martikainen (University of Helsinki, Director of the Migration Institute of Finland), Arrigo Opocher (Deparment of Economics and Management, University of Padova), Katherina Pabel (University of Linz, Austria and Human Rights Council Advisory Committee), Antonio Papisca emeritus, Unesco Chair “Human Rights, Democracy and Peace”, University of Padova), Elena Pariotti (Director of the Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies, University of Padova), Vesna Petrović (Executive Director, Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, Serbia), Paolo Piva (Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies, University of Padova), David Fernandez Puyana (UNESCO Liason Office, Geneva), Magdalena Ratajczak (University of Wroclav, Poland), Carlotta Sorba (Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World, University of Padova), George Ulrich (EIUC, Director of the European Master’s Degree Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation), Songcai Yang (Director of the Human Rights Centre, Guanghzou University, China).
In order to access the first issue and to get further information on the Journal and on requirements for manuscript submission, please visit the PHRG’s website: